For those of you that don't know this: We have 13 years of school over here, and that's the reason I am doing my senior year for the second time. The system is simply just different.

This is my class from the first year of HS. Lovley, I know:P
This year I am studying language and socialstudies. The clases I'm taking are Consumer Economics 2, Social and Community studies and English, and ofcourse the clases that are mandatory for me: History, Norwegian, Religion and PE.
It's gonna be a tough year, and it's gonna take A LOT of effort to get through it, but I'm detemined to work my but of this last year.
This is it. this is what it all comes down to. This is what really matters!
I think that the worst thing sounds like the PE!! I never liked that and you didn't have to do it last year. Good Luck!!