For one: These are some of the ''material'' things I miss the most about the US, in a random order (kind of anyway):
-Dutch Bros/Starbucks
-Sun (it's been raining for the last month, at least!
-Victoria's Secret (and why do we not have those here??)
-Beeing able to say ''I have a pool at my house'' just to impress people:)
-Speaking english every day (and beeing able to speak a language no one around me understands... Just for fun)
-Having my batroom ALL to myself
-Not having to go to school AND work (though, payday is the best day of the month!)
-The BIG closet
-Inexpensive shopping (at least that's what I thought)
My other coneclution is even less important, but I know you wanna know anyway:)
One whole full schoolday with ''the basic econ theories'' is very exhausting, and even more boring. The weekend could not have felt any better when it finally arrived!
Tomorrow I am going to watch soccergames. Some of my friends are playing and many of the others are gonna be there to watch, I hope anyway. Mari, Mari and myself are gonna be there, at least, despite the cold and the rain. We decided to bring blankets, hot chocolate and umbrellas and settle down there for most of the day. It'll be fun! Just like good old times when we were kids:)
Here's also a pic from my old soccerdays. That was the best team we ever had, and we actually won every game for one and a half season. Sweet!
